Return to your True Divine Self
and Be Free!

Study and apply the original Laws of Life of the Ascended Masters to fulfill your own Divine Plan and help set the planet free.
Start your Journey
The Magic I AM Presence - Your true God Self
chart of the mighty i am presence your inner god self


This Chart represents You – Your True God-Self!

The Chart represents the form of each one’s own Individualized Presence of God. The “Mighty I AM Presence” is the source of every constructive impulse, thought and feeling in everyone, and never is limited in any way!

Unless you understand this "Presence," and call It into action to hold Its Invincible Protection about you, outside suggestions are acting upon you ninety percent of the time, instead of your own consciousness!
- The Voice of the "I AM"

"The Thought, Feeling and Spoken Word are the most creative Powers in the Universe!"
- Beloved Saint Germain

The Eternal Law of Life is: What you think and feel, you bring into form; where your thought is, there you are, for you are your consciousness; and what you meditate upon, you become.  
- Beloved Saint Germain


Every human being has felt negative feelings.

Everyone in this World has felt discordant feelings, spoken negative words, and thought imperfect and discordant thoughts – which means just so much substance and energy qualified with discord, all vibrating within the body and around it in the individual's aura.
- The Voice of the "I AM"

A cross of blue fire with a golden scale in front


Protect yourself and guard your feelings!

Every person on this Earth must stand guard over his or her own feeling, dispelling all discord. If the individual does not do it, he cannot have the Truth; for that is what this Work does! It shows you how to protect yourself – how to call forth an intensification of the Light and Energy of your own Life.
- The Voice of the "I AM"

A golden star with violet rays


The Power of this Instruction

This original Instruction from the Ascended Masters is the true and full understanding of the inner Laws of Life that govern our existence: why we exist, our purpose in life, why things happen, and the actual knowledge of how we can change and reshape our own world; and, on an even greater level of existence — how we can actively help and serve mankind, and make a difference.
- Beloved Saint Germain

a golden sun


"In the SIMPLICITY of This Instruction is your Freedom!"

There is no instruction of the outer world that has ever brought you the simplicity and clearness which the Instruction Saint Germain has brought you. He has left nothing unsaid. The Explanation is full and complete and if studied cannot be misunderstood.
- Beloved Lady Master Nada

the sun coming from behind the mountains and flooding the landscape
Beloved Saint Germain

Our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain

The governing Master for this coming Golden Age

The earth and its humanity have entered a New Age. It is destined to become a Golden Age if mankind will return to the beneficent Laws of Life they once knew.​

The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age.
- Beloved Godfré

Beloved Master Jesus says about Beloved Saint Germain

Dear ones, you think very kindly of My Ministry and all that I brought to mankind, most of which you do not know. However, your Beloved Saint Germain is completing that Ministry in a magnificent manner which is indescribable.

Why? Because He is the Law, the Authority for the Violet Consuming Flame, which I was not; and that is why My Ministry did not reach further than it did and why much of the Reality which I gave was covered up, in order to prevent mankind having the Freedom which was theirs, or could have been, thru It.
- Beloved Master Jesus

More Ascended Masters

Portrait of Beloved Master Jesus in golden Light

Beloved Master Jesus​

When I said to My disciples and to humanity, The things that I have done shall ye do also, and even greater things shall ye do, I knew where of I spoke knowing that within each individualization or Child of God there was this "Mighty I AM Presence," by whose use you are impelled forward with no uncertainty. I say "impelled" because I mean just that.
- Beloved Master Jesus

Beloved Mother Mary with a big blue dress and roses and lilies

Beloved Mary

When you ask to be healed, or you ask Our Healing Presence to go forth to heal others, demand at the same time that through that Healing there will come such Ascended Master Purifying Illumination that the individual stops generating the cause that has produced the condition of discord.
- Beloved Mary

archangel michael holding a blue flame sword

Beloved Archangel Michael

I am often portrayed with the Great Sword of Blue Flame, because every destructive force in Creation knows it cannot exist if the Flame of Blue from My Sword touches it. I wield that Sword! I am the Director of that energy! I am your Ascended Master Friend of the Light! ... I am the Power of Instantaneous Protection, because all mankind's discord put together cannot touch Me! - Beloved Archangel Michael

mighty hercules holding a sword

Beloved Mighty Hercules

… while I am portrayed sometimes in very peculiar forms, they do not yet realize, no one scarcely knows, that the strength which I represent to the earth is the Power of Cosmic Love.
I am so often portrayed with great muscles and a great, strong boa, but they never seem to get the idea of the Power and Strength which I give to life is the Love in the Sacred Fire.
- Beloved Mighty Hercules

Portrait of Beloved Master Jesus in golden Light

Beloved Master Jesus​

When I said to My disciples and to humanity, The things that I have done shall ye do also, and even greater things shall ye do, I knew where of I spoke knowing that within each individualization or Child of God there was this "Mighty I AM Presence," by whose use you are impelled forward with no uncertainty. I say "impelled" because I mean just that.
- Beloved Master Jesus

Beloved Mother Mary with a big blue dress and roses and lilies

Beloved Mary

When you ask to be healed, or you ask Our Healing Presence to go forth to heal others, demand at the same time that through that Healing there will come such Ascended Master Purifying Illumination that the individual stops generating the cause that has produced the condition of discord.
- Beloved Mary

archangel michael holding a blue flame sword

Beloved Archangel Michael

I am often portrayed with the Great Sword of Blue Flame, because every destructive force in Creation knows it cannot exist if the Flame of Blue from My Sword touches it. I wield that Sword! I am the Director of that energy! I am your Ascended Master Friend of the Light! ... I am the Power of Instantaneous Protection, because all mankind's discord put together cannot touch Me! - Beloved Archangel Michael

mighty hercules holding a sword

Beloved Mighty Hercules

… while I am portrayed sometimes in very peculiar forms, they do not yet realize, no one scarcely knows, that the strength which I represent to the earth is the Power of Cosmic Love.
I am so often portrayed with great muscles and a great, strong boa, but they never seem to get the idea of the Power and Strength which I give to life is the Love in the Sacred Fire.
- Beloved Mighty Hercules

chart of the mighty i am presence your inner god self
in English

Introductory Webinar + Q&A: 
Learn to set your Inner God-Self into action!

Learn about your True Identity – the "Mighty I AM Presence" –  and how to set this God-Self into action in your daily life!

Nov 17, 2024
6:30 pm
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Zoom Live Event
Register - FREE
chart of the mighty i am presence your inner god self
in Jap / 英語/日本語

Free Webinar: Learn to set your Inner God-Self into action!
入門ウェビナー (英語/日本語)

あなたの真のアイデンティティーである「I AM Presence」について学び、この神である自己を日常生活の中でどのように行動させるかを学ぼう!

2024年 10月5日
日本時間 21:00から
(Japan Time)
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Zoom Live Event
Register - FREE

Priceless truths

This Instruction is a Free Gift of Love

This program is about sharing Sacred Knowledge that helps raise the Earth into its Crystal Golden Age.

This Instruction is a Free Gift of Love from the Ascended Masters and does not cost anything for its students. No hidden fees.

The earth as a violet sun

A word on translation

Why is this website in English?

Now everything suffers in translation, because when things are translated, you do not have the Truth of the translation.

All you have is the translator's concept. That is what's the matter with all the religious books of the World and the religious instruction when it has gone into various channels of the outer world and has been translated. Confusion has driven in.

Lies have driven in and destruction has driven in!
- Elohim of Purity