
Online Study Program

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Dear Friend of the Light!

​Your Journey on the Pathway of Light is completely in your hands!

To start your journey we friendly invite you to participate in our Introductory Webinar for Beginners to start your Journey in the Light.

Upcoming Beginner Events

Step 01
Start Reading

Start Reading The Books of Beloved Saint Germain & the Messengers

You will receive the Ascended Master’s Feeling through Their Words and Radiation. Your attunement to Their Consciousness will begin.

Download digital book for free

green book book 3 of the Saint Germain Series unveiled mysteries

Vol 1:
Unveiled Mysteries

How it all began: The Story of our Messenger, Godfré Ray King.

green book book 3 of the Saint Germain Series The I AM Discourses

Vol 2:
The Magic Presence

The Story of Godfré continues while he meets a wonderful family in Colorado.

green book book 3 of the Saint Germain Series the magic presence

Vol 3:
The "I AM" Discourses

A book full of Ascended Master Instruction for your daily use.

Hardcover book

Saint Germain Press

Shipment of the hardcover Books can take a little longer.
$30.00 - $33.00 US

To the Press


Be sure to buy the original Books from the Saint Germain Press.
$20.00 - $30.00 US

Amazon Shop

Local Bookstore

Your local bookstore can order these Books for you.

Audio book

Saint Germain Press

Download for $9.99 US.

Step 02
Personal Decrees

Your Personal Decrees to call your "I AM" Presence into action!

If you will call your Presence into action three times daily - earnestly - for five minutes, keeping your feelings harmonious, inside of ten days you would have the evidence in your own experience so strong that nothing could turn you aside.
- Mrs. G. W. Ballard

How to start with your Personal Decrees

Your Personal Decree Sheet

We have created a personal sheet with Decrees and Visualizations from the video for you to use in your daily practice. You can add to it as you like.

In our weekly Online Decree Sessions, you will learn new Decrees that you can add to your sheet.

Weekly Online Decree Sessions for Beginners

"I AM"-in-Action!

We will give Decrees together, have short Visualizations and read Ascended Master Words.​ These 20-minute Sessions take place every Sunday at 8 pm (CET) on Zoom. Each Session covers a different topic.

Your favorite Decrees

Add your favorite Decrees to your Personal Decree Sheet

In every "I AM"-in-Action! we introduce you to new Decrees on different topics.

After every "I AM"-in-Action! you can download the presentation and pick the Decrees that you liked.

All "I AM" Students choose Decrees for their daily application which help them most for their personal situations. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes a week, sometimes a year to solve a situation. The Light of God never fails!

"I AM"-in-Action! Presentation for Download


Violet Flame Part 50

Download Now
iam-in-action for download
"I AM"-in-Action!


Live Decree Sessions for Beginners

"I AM" in Action!

Every Sunday
8 PM (CET)
Topic of the week

"Beloved Ones, understand that your Power, your Call to the "I AM" Light is stronger than a regiment of individuals who want to do wrong! Will you please bear that in mind? Your individual Calls to the Powers of Light release a Power which is greater than a regiment of humanity intent upon destruction."
- Mighty Victory

Here is what will take place

Every week a different topic

We will give Decrees together, have short Visualizations and read Ascended Master Words.​ Each one covers a different topic.

The participation will be anonymous for all participants. All cameras or microphones of the participants are off. You can join and just watch and enjoy the Radiation of the Sessions! 

Weekly Reminders for you!

We will send every member of the Study Program an e-mail reminder with a link to this page one hour before it starts. You can always unsubscribe if you wish to no longer receive reminders.

Add your favorite Decrees to your Personal Decree Sheet

"I AM"-in-Action! Presentation for Download

In every „I AM“-in-Action! we introduce you to new Decrees on different topics.

After every Session you can download the presentation and pick the Decrees that you liked.  

All „I AM“ Students choose Decrees for their daily application which match their current situations they are in. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes a week, sometimes a year to solve the situation. The Light of God never fails!

Prepare a place for you

Personal Decree Sheet

We have created a personal sheet with with Decrees & Visualizations from the video for your daily private use. You can extend it as you wish. In every"I AM"-in-Action! you get access to new decrees that you might want to add to your personal application.

Download editable Decreesheet.doc

Step 03
Talk to a Representative

Talk to a Representative in Europe

After you have finished the first three Volumes of the Saint Germain Series, we invite you to talk to a representative of the Saint Germain Foundation. He or she will answer any questions you might have and talk to you more about the teachings and how to continue with your next step, the “Fundamental Lessons.”

Let us know where you live

Once you submit the form, the representative of the Saint Germain Foundation who lives nearest to you will contact you via e-mail for a personal talk.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

If you are living in the Americas (North, South and Central America) please contact our world-wide headquarters in Chicago by sending an e-mail to inquiry@saintgermainfoundation.org.

Step 04
Fundamental Program

Deep Dive Fundamental Program

A Five Month Program

Twice a year we offer an Online Fundamental Program where we read together the Fundamentals of the "I AM" Activity together.

ENTER IN to the Treasure House of the Universe, to receive the Instruction and Attunement of the Great Ascended Host of Light. Every person must someday, somewhere, somehow, learn and apply these Fundamental Tools of Life for their Freedom.

Check out upcoming dates

What the "I AM" Fundamental
Program includes:

location icon white
14 Deep-Dive Lessons (2 h) on the Laws of Live and how to apply them in your daily Life.
allow icon
2 Question & Answer Meetings with a European Representative
calendar icon white
Each Lesson: 15 minutes Violet Flame Decrees, beautiful "I AM" Songs & Reading of the Fundamental Lesson

Every Angle of Truth leads to This which you now have the privilege of knowing

"Any kind of knowledge or power is absolutely worthless unless used. Those who will apply and enter into the use of the “I AM Presence” with deep feeling will see and feel within their own Beings, as they again come in contact with other channels of understanding, how transcendent the knowledge of the “I AM Presence” is in comparison with all other ideas of Truth.”
- Saint Germain

Requirements for the Program

You are living in Europe or Asia. This Online Program is only offered for these regions. If you are living in the Americas (North, South and Central America) please contact our world-wide headquarters.

You must have finished reading Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the Saint Germain Series (Step 01).

You have connected with a local representative (Step 03)

Check out upcoming dates
paradisisches Naturbild mit Blumenwiese, See und Bergen

As you receive these Lessons, you will become more and more attuned to the Ascended Master’s Consciousness and Illumination.

There are 14 Fundamental Lessons, each one full of the tools you need, to know how to live your Life in the Light and assist the Masters to bring mankind into the incoming Golden Age.  ​

This is the EXACT INSTRUCTION used by Beloved Jesus, Saint Germain, Precious Mary and many others to gain their FREEDOM! Every person who applies the Laws of Life through this Application is daily, moment-by-moment, raising themselves and all Life in this world.

Check out upcoming dates

The Content of
the 14 Lessons

You will learn more and more about your “I AM Presence”, about the Ascended Masters  - Who They Are and What They Do, information about day-to-day living, how to protect yourself and your loved ones, as well as your home, business, city/town, nation and mankind. Most importantly, you will know how to help the Masters set humanity free through the use of specific Activities of the Sacred Fire.  

Each Fundamental Lesson covers numerous Topics - these are highlights only

“I AM” Fundamental
Series I

  1. Who is Saint Germain?
  2. What is the “Mighty I AM Presence”?
  3. What is the Violet Consuming Flame?
  4. What is the “Luminous Presence?”
  5. What are Entities?
  6. Colors and Life Energy
  7. What is the Ascension?

“I AM” Fundamental
Series II

  1. What happens when you say
    “I AM”
  2. What does “Application” mean?
  3. The Law of this Cycle
  4. Your Protection: Tube of Light and Electronic Circle
  5. America’s Destiny - Why does it matter to you?
  6. Refined Culture - Raising into a Perfect World
  7. The Purpose of Embodiment
Check out upcoming Dates

When starting the Fundamentals program, you'll get access to...

Webinars and weekly Lessons

  • Welcome-Webinar: We will come together online the Saturday before the Fundamental Series begins, to prepare for the Program.
  • Fourteen Weeks of Fundamentals - Series I and II: Given at a specific time each week as Saint Germain also requested, each Fundamental Lesson is streamed live on Zoom from an “I AM” Sanctuary.

In Addition, if you wish

  • 1 hour Violet Flame Class each week

Our Service to You

  • Easy-to-follow “Info-Flow” per Email
  • No materials are needed for Fundamental Lessons. We give you online access to read along.
  • A follow-up recording of each Lesson is available to you for seven days.
  • Two Q&A - Zoom Share Meetings, where we see and talk with each other.
  • Each Student has a “Buddy,” when questions arise.
  • Email Support, as needed.
Check out upcoming dates

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens during a Fundamental Lesson?

The Instruction of the Lessons are excerpts from various Masters, sorted into Topics. These are read by a Group Leader. The format of the Lesson is a Ceremony. This includes an Opening Blessing, Violet Flame Decrees to clean our bodies, minds, feelings and worlds, so we are in the best place to receive the Instruction, advancing Explanations of the Chart of the “I AM”, two Songs from the “I AM” Ascended Master Music of the Spheres and a Closing Blessing. Details are given in the Welcoming Webinar.

Do I need to prepare or buy something for the Lessons?

All will be explained in the Welcome Webinar! Please prepare a lovely corner in your personal space where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the Lessons. Good internet connection is important. There are no Books or other materials needed. If you want to participate in the one-hour Violet Flame Class, three Booklets are needed. All the information you need will be given at the right time.

Do I need to buy any materials?
All will be explained in the Welcome Webinar! Please prepare a lovely corner in your personal space where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the Lessons. Good internet connection is important. There are no Books or other materials needed. If you want to participate in the one hour Violet Flame Class, three Booklets are needed. All the information you need will be given at the right time.
How long does this Program take?
The Program in total takes over one year! Your Journey as "I AM" Student is for Life;)

Reading the 3 Books: Read on your own pace, up to you
Fundamental Program: 5 Month Starting. (Mondays)
Violet Flame Program: 10 Month

What if I cannot make every Lesson on time?

With this program, we serve all the time zones around the world. Many people have business and family priorities. Having said this, it is best to clear your plate each week during the time the Lessons are given, for the maximum results. If it cannot work, or you want to hear the Lesson again, you will be able to access a recording up to seven days after that Lesson. In this case, you listen any time that is convenient for you!

How much time does it take to do this program?
  • Each Lesson: estimated 3 hours each week
  • Q&A Share Meetings: participation is optional
  • Private reading and studying: This will become more important to you!
What can I do after the Fundamentals?
  • Repeat the whole “I AM” Fundamental Program to deepen the content.
  • Go on with the “I AM” Violet Flame Study Program.
  • When you feel ready: Begin giving the 1-hour Violet Flame Class in your home.
How much does the Program cost?

The “I AM” Activity and all the Classwork is forever free of Charge.

This “I AM” Knowledge is a Free Gift from the Ascended Masters for the Enlightenment of all mankind. Saint Germain does not allow any monetary charges in association with this Activity for any reason. The Activity is never mixed with any outer business or commercial ventures we might be pursuing personally.
Prior to this Instruction being given openly to mankind, earnest seekers of the Light could only find this in the “secret” Retreats of the world, if they were able to find them.  We cannot stress the significance of this Opportunity being given.  It is not because we are so “wonderful.” It is because the hour is so critical for mankind.

Are there any agreements or contracts involved?

In the “I AM” Activity, there are no agreements or contracts of any kind. You will never be asked for money. You answer to God alone and the Masters. We simply put into motion what the Masters have asked us to do, and to fulfill this is a Tremendous Experience.

The Fundamentals Program gives you the tools you need to move forward on the Path. The requirements for great Success are given. We follow some outer Guidelines for beautiful, refined Culture and Courtesy to keep the Standard of Life High, as forces in the world want to pull it downwards

Can I just join the Program to see if I like it?

Curiosity is not a reason to join the Fundamentals Program. Consider this as a personal Invitation into the World and Consciousness of the Ascended Masters. The Master chooses the Student. If you are given this Opportunity, we would say to take it seriously!

As you proceed, you are held under Their Radiation of Love and Peace. The Fundamentals Program is a Study Program, where you should be earnestly interested in the subject. Please feel free to clarify any Questions with a Representative or email us. Having questions is normal!

What is an “I AM” Sanctuary?

The “I AM” Temples and Sanctuaries of this Activity are the “Power House” for the Masters to Anchor Their Sacred Fire to Purify, Protect and Raise a given location or Region. These are usually specific buildings devoted to the Activity. The Purpose of these Temples is for groups of wholly devoted “I AM” Students to gather to join their energy to give Decrees for mankind. When we enter into an “I AM” Temple or Sanctuary, it is a very Sacred and wonderful experience. The Rooms are kept very clean and have a beautiful appearance, most beyond anything we see elsewhere.

All the more than 300 Temples and Sanctuaries throughout the world share a similar appearance and set-up for the Class Meetings! Every Meeting adds to the momentum of Sacred Fire that is established. When a meeting is not taking place, the Sanctuary is kept completely quiet or the soft melody “Song of the Violet Flame” is played. The Rooms are never used for any other purposes than “I AM” Ceremonies, so people do not get married here, or have gatherings etc. The Masters have asked us to seek a higher culture than ordinary, in how we dress and speak, to be an example of how Life is supposed to be.

Can I join the Fundamentals in an “I AM” Sanctuary instead online?

It is very important that you allow us to connect you with a special representative if you have this desire.  That discussion can determine what is best for you. Sometimes you live in a place that has no Temple or Sanctuary or “Study Group” nearby. In this case, the online program is ideal to begin to establish the LIGHT where you are!

‍The Online Fundamentals Program is new for this Activity.  Previously, it was not available online at all.  We are working to develop it, believing that it can assist many to learn of this Instruction and help mankind at this time.

Can I found my own “I AM” Sanctuary and be a Group Leader?

It is our Mission to expand Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” Activity. He says: There shall be an “I AM” Study Group in every City, Town and Hamlet on the Earth. The “I AM” Online Study Programs are designed to guide Seekers of the Light to achieve this Goal. People who will HONOR and follow the original Instructions, as given through Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, will find many doors open to this! New Study Groups are being established all the time in different places throughout the world. Please follow the Program and you will learn all that it takes for this Honorable Work.  Get to know your special Representative who will guide and help you on your Path.

Upcoming Dates for the next Fundamental Program

Spring 2025
Fundamentals Series I
⁠Feb 17 - March 31, 2025
On Mondays
11 AM (CET)
Kick-Off Meeting: 
Saturday Feb 15, 12.15 AM (CET)
Spring 2025
Fundamentals Series II
Kick-Off Meeting: 

Recordings of the Lessons will be available for 7 days in case you have not been able to take part live

Get Access

One of our Representatives will give you access to the Online Fundamentals. Fill out the form in Step 03 to connect with the Representative closest to you.

Talk to a Representative
Step 05
Violet Flame Program

"I AM" Violet Flame Program

Start with your Violet Flame Work

If you have done two Series Fundamentals I and II, of seven Lessons = seven weeks each, you can join the Program.

Check out upcoming dates
violet spinning flame

In this Program you will get access to:

Webinars and weekly Lessons

  • Sacred Knowledge about the Violet Consuming Flame.
  • Become accustomed to Saint Germain’s Violet Flame Decree Work.
  • Learn to hold your own Violet Flame Class at home (optional).
  • Get a card to join the «I AM » Student Body.

Every «I AM» Student gives at least two hours a week concentrated focus to the Service of the Light in the Violet Flame Classes.

Next Program Starting

September 2024 - June 2025

You must have finished two series of Fundamentals (14 Lessons) to take part in the Study Program. However you can join a 1 hour beginner friendly Violet Flame Class already after Fundamentals Series I.

Talk to Representative

Dear Friend of the Light!

​Your Journey on the Pathway of Light is completely in your hands!

Together with the Ascended Masters, we can make the impossible possible!

If you haven't participated already in our Introductory Webinar for Beginners, we recommend you to do so in order to start your Journey in the Light.

Upcoming Beginner Events

Get started
Step 01

Start Reading

The Books of Beloved Saint Germain & the Messengers

You will receive the Ascended Master’s Feeling through Their Words and Radiation. Your attunement to Their Consciousness will begin.

green book book 3 of the Saint Germain Series unveiled mysteries

Vol 1:
Unveiled Mysteries

How it all began: The Story of our Messenger, Godfré Ray King.

green book book 3 of the Saint Germain Series The I AM Discourses

Vol 2:
The Magic Presence

The Story of Godfré continues while he meets a wonderful family in Colorado.

green book book 3 of the Saint Germain Series the magic presence

Vol 3:
The "I AM" Discourses

A book full of Ascended Master Instruction for your daily use.

1.1 Get your hardcover book

Saint Germain Press

Shipment of the hardcover Books can take a little longer.
$30.00 - $33.00 US

To the Press


Be sure to buy the original Books from the Saint Germain Press.
$20.00 - $30.00 US

Amazon Shop

Local Bookstore

Your local bookstore can order these Books for you.

1.2 Get your Audio book

Saint Germain Press

Download for $9.99 US.

Step 02

Your Personal Decrees

Call your Presence into action!

Before you start your Decree work, It is very helpful to participate in the Introductory Webinar where we explain how to Decree.

If you will call your Presence into action three times daily - earnestly - for five minutes, keeping your feelings harmonious, inside of ten days you would have the evidence in your own experience so strong that nothing could turn you aside.
- Mrs. G. W. Ballard

2.1 About Personal Decreeing

2.2 Your Personal Decree Sheet

We have created a personal sheet with Decrees and Visualizations from the video for your daily private use. You can extend it as you wish. In every"I AM"-in-Action! you will get access to new Decrees that you might want to add to your personal application.

Download Decree Sheet

2.3 Weekly Online Decree Sessions!

Decree Sessions for Beginners

"I AM"-in-Action!

We will give Decrees together, have short Visualizations and read Ascended Master Words.​ These 20-minute Sessions take place every Sunday at 8 pm (CET) on Zoom. Each Session covers a different topic.

Join Live

2.4 Your favorite Decrees

Add your favorite Decrees to your Personal Decree Sheet

In every "I AM"-in-Action! we introduce you to new Decrees on different topics.

After every "I AM"-in-Action! you can download the presentation and pick the Decrees that you liked.

All "I AM" Students choose Decrees for their daily application which help them most for their personal situations. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes a week, sometimes a year to solve a situation. The Light of God never fails!

"I AM"-in-Action! Presentation for Download


Violet Flame Part 50

Download Now
iam-in-action for download
Step 03

Talk to a Representative in Europe

After you have finished the first three Volumes of the Saint Germain Series, we invite you to talk to a representative of the Saint Germain Foundation. He or she will answer any questions you might have and talk to you more about the teachings and how to continue with your next step, the “Fundamental Lessons.”

Let us know where you live

Once you submit the form, the representative of the Saint Germain Foundation who lives nearest to you will contact you via e-mail for a personal talk.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.

If you are living in the Americas (North, South and Central America) please contact our world-wide headquarters in Chicago by sending an e-mail to inquiry@saintgermainfoundation.org.

Step 04

Deep Dive Fundamental Program

A Five Month Program

Twice a year we offer an Online Fundamental Program where we read together the Fundamentals of the "I AM" Activity together.

ENTER IN to the Treasure House of the Universe, to receive the Instruction and Attunement of the Great Ascended Host of Light. Every person must someday, somewhere, somehow, learn and apply these Fundamental Tools of Life for their Freedom.

Check out upcoming dates

What the "I AM" Fundamental
Program includes:

location icon white
14 two-hour Deep-Dive Lessons on the Laws of Live and how to apply them in your daily Life.
allow icon
2 Question & Answer Meetings with a European Representative
calendar icon white
Each Lesson: 15 minutes Violet Flame Decrees, beautiful "I AM" Songs & Reading of the Fundamental Lesson

Every Angle of Truth leads to This which you now have the privilege of knowing

"Any kind of knowledge or power is absolutely worthless unless used. Those who will apply and enter into the use of the “I AM Presence” with deep feeling will see and feel within their own Beings, as they again come in contact with other channels of understanding, how transcendent the knowledge of the “I AM Presence” is in comparison with all other ideas of Truth.”
- Saint Germain

Requirements for the Program

You are living in Europe or Asia. This Online Program is only offered for these regions. If you are living in the Americas (North, South and Central America) please contact our world-wide headquarters.

You must have finished reading Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the Saint Germain Series (Step 01).

You have connected with a local representative (Step 03)

Check out upcoming dates
paradisisches Naturbild mit Blumenwiese, See und Bergen

As you receive these Lessons, you will become more and more attuned to the Ascended Master’s Consciousness and Illumination.

There are 14 Fundamental Lessons, each one full of the tools you need, to know how to live your Life in the Light and assist the Masters to bring mankind into the incoming Golden Age.  ​

This is the EXACT INSTRUCTION used by Beloved Jesus, Saint Germain, Precious Mary and many others to gain their FREEDOM! Every person who applies the Laws of Life through this Application is daily, moment-by-moment, raising themselves and all Life in this world.

Check out upcoming dates

The Content of
the 14 Lessons

You will learn more and more about your “I AM Presence”, about the Ascended Masters  - Who They Are and What They Do, information about day-to-day living, how to protect yourself and your loved ones, as well as your home, business, city/town, nation and mankind. Most importantly, you will know how to help the Masters set humanity free through the use of specific Activities of the Sacred Fire.  

Each Fundamental Lesson covers numerous Topics - these are highlights only

“I AM” Fundamental
Series I

  1. Who is Saint Germain?
  2. What is the “Mighty I AM Presence”?
  3. What is the Violet Consuming Flame?
  4. What is the “Luminous Presence?”
  5. What are Entities?
  6. Colors and Life Energy
  7. What is the Ascension?

“I AM” Fundamental
Series II

  1. What happens when you say
    “I AM”
  2. What does “Application” mean?
  3. The Law of this Cycle
  4. Your Protection: Tube of Light and Electronic Circle
  5. America’s Destiny - Why does it matter to you?
  6. Refined Culture - Raising into a Perfect World
  7. The Purpose of Embodiment
Check out upcoming Dates

When starting the Fundamentals program, you'll get access to...

Webinars and weekly Lessons

  • Welcome-Webinar: We will come together online the Saturday before the Fundamental Series begins, to prepare for the Program.
  • Fourteen Weeks of Fundamentals - Series I and II: Given at a specific time each week as Saint Germain also requested, each Fundamental Lesson is streamed live on Zoom from an “I AM” Sanctuary.

In Addition, if you wish

  • 1 hour Violet Flame Class each week

Our Service to You

  • Easy-to-follow “Info-Flow” per Email
  • No materials are needed for Fundamental Lessons. We give you online access to read along.
  • A follow-up recording of each Lesson is available to you for seven days.
  • Two Q&A - Zoom Share Meetings, where we see and talk with each other.
  • Each Student has a “Buddy,” when questions arise.
  • Email Support, as needed.
Check out upcoming dates

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens during a Fundamental Lesson?

The Instruction of the Lessons are excerpts from various Masters, sorted into Topics. These are read by a Group Leader. The format of the Lesson is a Ceremony. This includes an Opening Blessing, Violet Flame Decrees to clean our bodies, minds, feelings and worlds, so we are in the best place to receive the Instruction, advancing Explanations of the Chart of the “I AM”, two Songs from the “I AM” Ascended Master Music of the Spheres and a Closing Blessing. Details are given in the Welcoming Webinar.

Do I need to prepare or buy something for the Lessons?

All will be explained in the Welcome Webinar! Please prepare a lovely corner in your personal space where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the Lessons. Good internet connection is important. There are no Books or other materials needed. If you want to participate in the one-hour Violet Flame Class, three Booklets are needed. All the information you need will be given at the right time.

Do I need to buy any materials?
All will be explained in the Welcome Webinar! Please prepare a lovely corner in your personal space where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the Lessons. Good internet connection is important. There are no Books or other materials needed. If you want to participate in the one hour Violet Flame Class, three Booklets are needed. All the information you need will be given at the right time.
How long does this Program take?
The Program in total takes over one year! Your Journey as "I AM" Student is for Life;)

Reading the 3 Books: Read on your own pace, up to you
Fundamental Program: 5 Month Starting. (Mondays)
Violet Flame Program: 10 Month

What if I cannot make every Lesson on time?

With this program, we serve all the time zones around the world. Many people have business and family priorities. Having said this, it is best to clear your plate each week during the time the Lessons are given, for the maximum results. If it cannot work, or you want to hear the Lesson again, you will be able to access a recording up to seven days after that Lesson. In this case, you listen any time that is convenient for you!

How much time does it take to do this program?
  • Each Lesson: estimated 3 hours each week
  • Q&A Share Meetings: participation is optional
  • Private reading and studying: This will become more important to you!
What can I do after the Fundamentals?
  • Repeat the whole “I AM” Fundamental Program to deepen the content.
  • Go on with the “I AM” Violet Flame Study Program.
  • When you feel ready: Begin giving the 1-hour Violet Flame Class in your home.
How much does the Program cost?

The “I AM” Activity and all the Classwork is forever free of Charge.

This “I AM” Knowledge is a Free Gift from the Ascended Masters for the Enlightenment of all mankind. Saint Germain does not allow any monetary charges in association with this Activity for any reason. The Activity is never mixed with any outer business or commercial ventures we might be pursuing personally.
Prior to this Instruction being given openly to mankind, earnest seekers of the Light could only find this in the “secret” Retreats of the world, if they were able to find them.  We cannot stress the significance of this Opportunity being given.  It is not because we are so “wonderful.” It is because the hour is so critical for mankind.

Are there any agreements or contracts involved?

In the “I AM” Activity, there are no agreements or contracts of any kind. You will never be asked for money. You answer to God alone and the Masters. We simply put into motion what the Masters have asked us to do, and to fulfill this is a Tremendous Experience.

The Fundamentals Program gives you the tools you need to move forward on the Path. The requirements for great Success are given. We follow some outer Guidelines for beautiful, refined Culture and Courtesy to keep the Standard of Life High, as forces in the world want to pull it downwards

Can I just join the Program to see if I like it?

Curiosity is not a reason to join the Fundamentals Program. Consider this as a personal Invitation into the World and Consciousness of the Ascended Masters. The Master chooses the Student. If you are given this Opportunity, we would say to take it seriously!

As you proceed, you are held under Their Radiation of Love and Peace. The Fundamentals Program is a Study Program, where you should be earnestly interested in the subject. Please feel free to clarify any Questions with a Representative or email us. Having questions is normal!

What is an “I AM” Sanctuary?

The “I AM” Temples and Sanctuaries of this Activity are the “Power House” for the Masters to Anchor Their Sacred Fire to Purify, Protect and Raise a given location or Region. These are usually specific buildings devoted to the Activity. The Purpose of these Temples is for groups of wholly devoted “I AM” Students to gather to join their energy to give Decrees for mankind. When we enter into an “I AM” Temple or Sanctuary, it is a very Sacred and wonderful experience. The Rooms are kept very clean and have a beautiful appearance, most beyond anything we see elsewhere.

All the more than 300 Temples and Sanctuaries throughout the world share a similar appearance and set-up for the Class Meetings! Every Meeting adds to the momentum of Sacred Fire that is established. When a meeting is not taking place, the Sanctuary is kept completely quiet or the soft melody “Song of the Violet Flame” is played. The Rooms are never used for any other purposes than “I AM” Ceremonies, so people do not get married here, or have gatherings etc. The Masters have asked us to seek a higher culture than ordinary, in how we dress and speak, to be an example of how Life is supposed to be.

Can I join the Fundamentals in an “I AM” Sanctuary instead online?

It is very important that you allow us to connect you with a special representative if you have this desire.  That discussion can determine what is best for you. Sometimes you live in a place that has no Temple or Sanctuary or “Study Group” nearby. In this case, the online program is ideal to begin to establish the LIGHT where you are!

‍The Online Fundamentals Program is new for this Activity.  Previously, it was not available online at all.  We are working to develop it, believing that it can assist many to learn of this Instruction and help mankind at this time.

Can I found my own “I AM” Sanctuary and be a Group Leader?

It is our Mission to expand Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” Activity. He says: There shall be an “I AM” Study Group in every City, Town and Hamlet on the Earth. The “I AM” Online Study Programs are designed to guide Seekers of the Light to achieve this Goal. People who will HONOR and follow the original Instructions, as given through Mr. and Mrs. Ballard, will find many doors open to this! New Study Groups are being established all the time in different places throughout the world. Please follow the Program and you will learn all that it takes for this Honorable Work.  Get to know your special Representative who will guide and help you on your Path.

Upcoming Dates for the next Fundamental Program

Fundamentals Series I
On Mondays
⁠Feb 17 - March 31, 2025
11 AM (CET)
Fundamental Series II
On Mondays
Oct 28 - Dec 9, 2024
11 AM (CET)
Fundamental Series I
On Mondays
Sep 2 - Oct 16, 2024
11 AM
Spring 2024
On Mondays
Feb 5 - Mai 20, 2024
3.30 - 6.00 pm CET (with recording)

Recordings of the Lessons will be available for 7 days in case you have not been able to take part live

Get Access

One of our Representatives will give you access to the Online Fundamentals. Fill out the form in Step 03 to connect with the Representative closest to you.

Talk to a Representative
Step 05

"I AM" Violet Flame Program

Start with your Violet Flame Work

If you have done two Series Fundamentals I and II, of seven Lessons = seven weeks each, you can join the Program.

Check out upcoming dates
violet spinning flame

In this Program you will get access to:

Webinars and weekly Lessons

  • Sacred Knowledge about the Violet Consuming Flame.
  • Become accustomed to Saint Germain’s Violet Flame Decree Work.
  • Learn to hold your own Violet Flame Class at home (optional).
  • Get a card to join the «I AM » Student Body.

Every «I AM» Student gives at least two hours a week concentrated focus to the Service of Saint Germain in the Violet Flame Classes.

Next Program Starting

Dates not available yet

You must have finished two series of Fundamentals (14 Lessons) to take part in the Study Program. However you can join a 1 hour beginner friendly Violet Flame Class already after Fundamentals Series I.

Talk to Representative


"I AM" in Action!

Live Decree Sessions for Beginners

Every Sunday
8pm (CET)

"Beloved Ones, understand that your Power, your Call to the "I AM" Light is stronger than a regiment of individuals who want to do wrong! Will you please bear that in mind? Your individual Calls to the Powers of Light release a Power which is greater than a regiment of humanity intent upon destruction."
- Mighty Victory

Join Live

Here is what will take place

Every week a different topic

We will give Decrees together, have short Visualizations and read Ascended Master Words.​ These 20-minute Sessions take place every Sunday, 8 pm (Central European Time) via Zoom. Each one covers a different topic.

The participation will be anonymous for all participants. You can join and just watch and enjoy the Radiation of the Sessions! 

It is very helpful to participate in the Introductory Webinar where we explain how to Decree before starting with your Decree work.

Weekly Reminders for you!

We will send every member of the Study Program an e-mail reminder with a link to this page one hour before it starts. You can always unsubscribe if you wish to no longer receive reminders.

Add your favorite Decrees to your Personal Decree Sheet

"I AM"-in-Action! Presentation for Download

Violet Flame Part 50
Download last Presentation
iam-in-action for download

In every „I AM“-in-Action! we introduce you to new Decrees on different topics. There will be no recordings available of the "I AM"-in-Action!

After every Session you can download the presentation and pick the Decrees that you liked.  

Download Personal Decree Sheet

All „I AM“ Students choose Decrees for their daily application which match their current situations they are in. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes a week, sometimes a year to solve the situation. The Light of God never fails!

Prepare a place for you

Personal Decree Sheet

We have created a personal sheet with with Decrees & Visualizations from the video for your daily private use. You can extend it as you wish. In every"I AM"-in-Action! you get access to new decrees that you might want to add to your personal application.

Download editable Decreesheet.doc

Dear Friend of the Light!

​Your Journey on the Pathway of Light is completely in your hands!

Together with the Ascended Masters, we can make the impossible possible!

If you haven't participated already in our Introductory Webinar for Beginners, we recommend you to do so in order to start your Journey in the Light.

Get started