Don't waste your time...
"Oh, I just want to kill time." Precious Ones, if you have ever uttered those words, please do not utter them again. Words are cups which carry the qualities which you express.

The Great Ascended Master Arcturus in His Instruction to the "I AM" Students some months ago explained the reaction of the Great Law of Life in the waste of time; and it is one of the most important things for mankind to understand and remember.
I quote from the Ascended Master Arcturus'Discourse on pages 118 - 119 of Ascended Master Discourses:
"We look into the atmosphere of Earth, and see in the social world, which has been taught through habit, to waste long hours in playing bridge and such various activities. Think, Precious Ones, what those hours spent calling forth the Perfection of the "I AM Presence" into their own world […] would mean. Is it not curious how mankind has sought through habit—Oh, God!—to kill time? Think of it! Think of the millions of times that expression has been used: "Oh, I just want to kill time." Precious Ones, if you have ever uttered those words, please do not utter them again. Words are cups which carry the qualities which you express.
When We focus the Mighty Rays of Light and look upon the Earth from Our own Octave of Light, We have seen the great waste of time—human beings actually doing what their words express: "killing time." It means that you are depriving yourself of the time allotted to you here on Earth to produce Perfection in your world."
That means if you waste time in this life, you will have severe experiences in the embodiments which follow; and whatever is needed to complete your Victory in the Light will be crowded into one, two, or three embodiments to compel you to fulfill your own plan in physical experience. So wake up and utilize all your time in the Service of the Light!
When you realize the Great Law of Life is constantly returning to you that which you send out, some of you are being reprimanded pretty severely today. It is a terrific arraignment of Life; and Life will not warn you by saying,"Watch out! You're going to suffer for what you send out." Life is simply silent, waiting until you have enough suffering. The Ascended Masters have prompted and prompted again and again: do not do that, or you will have to pay the penalty; but your own Life remains silent and returns to you again and again and again your own misery. Still the stubborn feelings in the average person will not let that person say, "'Mighty I AM Presence' of Life! Take all this discord out of me, and take me out of misery!" So much of what mankind does creates conditions which will return upon them into the next embodiment.
Therefore, Beloved Ones, Life is relentless but beneficent; and he who loves Life will do everything in his power to cooperate with Life and release the Mighty Light Rays of the Ascended Masters to bring those same Mighty Blessings to all mankind; for
"The Light of God Never Fails!"
"The Light of God Never Fails!"
"The Light of God Never Fails!"
And the "Mighty I AM Presence" is that Light!