Radio Broadcast No. 3

Original Words from our
Beloved Messenger Mrs. G. W. Ballard

The Great Power of Divine Love, which the Mighty Godhead, the "Mighty I AM Presence" in the Great Central Sun, has given mankind with which to correct human mistakes, is the most magnificent Miracle Power in all Creation.

When one has generated discord about the outerself, then there comes the time when the outer self must reach up to the Great God Power and the God Presence, the "Mighty I AM," and ask for the Power to dissolve and consume the mistakes that have been made and the problems that exist in the present.

The Great Power of Divine Love, which the Mighty Godhead, the "Mighty I AM Presence" in the Great Central Sun, has given mankind with which to correct human mistakes, is the most magnificen Miracle Power in all Creation.

There are among mankind strong, dauntless, fearless souls who will understand this and be able to use It with great blessing to themselves and others. There are those who will understand and see that "Presence" which beats each human Heart is God in Action, that the activity sending the circulation through the body is God, that the essence charging forward to vitalize the outer form is God in Action.

Let me remind you that the soul which is strong enough to clothe itself in its Armor of Divine Love and go forward, will find no obstruction […]

Ever turn to this Great "Beloved I AM Presence," loving It, praising It, demanding and commanding Its Mighty Power to surge forth everywhere and produce Perfection for you and then sustain It. Do forever put away any fear of the use of this Great Power of Love and Perfection. You know without being told, if you misuse It you will experience discord. If you use It constructively, It will bring you such Blessings untold that you can but give praise and thanksgiving for that moment when you awakened to the fact that this limitless Power is forever Omnipresent, awaiting your conscious direction.

If mankind understood that their uncontrolled, ungoverned use of thought and feeling has brought about all kinds of discord, sickness, and distress, then they could reverse their habits of destructive activity and, turning again to the "Mighty I AM Presence," could aseasily as a breath, face about, using their thought constructively with the motive power of Divine Love, and build for themselves a perfect paradise withinthe period of two years.