We came here to save the Earth!

Original Words from our
Beloved Saint Germain
Beloved Sanat Kumara

Beloved Sanat Kumara:

We have come long centuries ago to redeem the Earth, and We have stayed through the centuries.

Do you not think We will complete Our Task?

We did not come here to fail! We came here to save the Earth and with your assistance It can come much sooner than mankind realize, if you will assist Us in This, which We have explained today!

Beloved Sanat Kumara

Do you think the Great Beings from Cosmic Heights of Eternal Perfection leave Their Divine Estate to come into the lower atmosphere of Earth and aide two and a half million years in the human creation of this world without knowing Our Victory before We came?

Do you think We know failure? Never!

In Us is the Sun of Victory, and that Violet Flame Love shall make the Earth Victorious, likewise, with your assistance, and Our Love shall never be withdrawn, so long as you call It here!

- Dictation 1777, Nov. 14th 1954

Beloved Saint Germain:

Let Me tell you a secret! It isn't nearly so difficult for mankind to see that Violet Consuming Flame as you might think.

There are many individuals who are not "I AM" Students who can be made to see that Violet Consuming Flame just as easily as you can see anything as you walk along the street.

There are millions that We can make see that Violet Flame. When enough of It fills the atmosphere, the lower atmosphere of Earth, they'll see It, mark My Words!

So don't hesitate to call all the Power you want of that Violet Consuming Flame!

Demand all the Miracles you want of that Violet Consuming Flame!

Demand all the Manifestations you want of that Violet Consuming Flame, and compel Its Victory revealed to mankind through yourselves, through your affairs, through all your outer activities, till mankind understand It and know Its Reality and bow to Its Power and Authority.

It must come! We do Our part from Our Octave; and therefore, if you demand the Presence of that Violet Consuming Flame made visible to everything that lives, mankind will awaken and learn what they need to know!

- Voice of "I AM" April 1998