God is speaking whenever I say "I AM"

Original Words from our
Beloved Messenger Mrs. G. W. Ballard

One thing that has created so much disaster in the home life of all mankind is the constant repeating of the gossip that everyone hears in the outer world.

"We speak only when our words are more golden than our silence!" – because the outer world is filled with the words of discord, of distress, of activities of Life that describe conditions that have caused mankind's misery and limitation for centuries.

One thing that has created so much disaster in the home life of all mankind is the constant repeating of the gossip that everyone hears in the outer world.

I know of one gentleman who for many, many years was most successful; and he made it a rule of Life to stand in the atmosphere of an individual only so long as that one talked something harmonious. And as surely as he heard gossip repeated within his hearing, he stayed just a moment; then made the Call to his own Life Stream to annihilate that, and then turned on his heel and left the company of those who were repeating that discord

Every one of us can do the same thing — for that man reached tremendous heights of attainment. He is one whose name is well-known throughout our Country; and he has made it a rule in his business, in his social life, in his family life, not to stay in the atmosphere of those who constantly repeated discord. In his own great avenue of service to mankind, he held the most amazing Harmony, Peace, and Success, and is a tremendous example of that great Blessing and Outpouring to the rest of mankind.

You, too, can become that same great Power of Life. The more you draw forth the full Power of your own Life Stream to consume every word of gossip that comes to your ears, the greater becomes your Power and Pressure of Light to consume discord and to repel it. Then as you move among other people, you become the controlling power and authority of the energy around you instead of accepting the discord with which others have qualified it.

When you say "I AM," stop just amoment, be still; and then remember this phrase: "God is speaking whenever I say "I AM".




You stand guard over my tongue, and never let me speak words of criticism, condemnation, judgment, blame, or gossip of any person, place, condition, or thing! Reach down Your Hand and withdraw all substance of criticism, condemnation, judgment, blame, gossip or other human qualities with which I have charged my being and world! Consume it all in the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame and Saint Germain's Spiral Blue Flame; then stand guard and see I do not requalify any more of Your Energy flowing through my being and world.





SILENCE! (3) into Annihilation all gossip in me, my business, my social life, my family (etc.)