The Power of Radiation!

Original Words from our
Beloved Messenger Mrs. G. W. Ballard

The energy poured out through radiation is the force that carries the individual's qualities into the atmosphere around him – and into your environment, to your feeling world, and into your mind and body – if you do not shut them out. It is poured into the very air you breathe.

When the Power of Radiation is understood, and one realizes the enormous amount of all kinds of radiation poured into the atmosphere of Earth every day, he begins to understand what is going on about him. It is because people do not see radiation from others that they do not really handle it to protect themselves. The strong feelings either of like or dislike when we, many times, pass one on the street in a hurry, is very positive proof that the radiation of energy from every person carries his qualities out into the atmosphere wherever he moves. That energy is heavily charged with whatever consciousness was within the feelings of that individual. Those feelings flow into the feeling world of every other human being unless he is positive enough in his own feelings to repel them or send them back to their creator.

When the feeling of doubt or fear goes forth from an individual, it qualifies the atmosphere around that one with a vibratory action like a sticky, gray fog which repels all that is constructive.

Through the power of radiation, all epidemics, plagues, and destructive suggestions go forth from their creators, charging fear into the feelings of the people they contact. The radiation of fear can spread over a group of people in a moment.

Blessed Ones, the power of radiation from the feeling world of individuals is just as real and tangible as the heat coming forth from a radiator in your room. It is exactly the same law that is acting. If an individual suddenly becomes confused, how very quickly do others in association with that one become confused also? All of that takes place through the power of radiation. When a positive, joyous, illumined individual comes into a room full of people, just pouring out his power of Light through the radiation of his own feeling, everyone in the room will soon begin to act out his Light and Joy, too.

The Ascended Masters have said always that three quarters of all teaching is in the radiation from the teacher, which means the feeling of the teacher. Only one quarter of that energy is in the spoken word. This is why, until mankind understands the necessity of accepting the Radiation from the Ascended Masters and letting It help him keep harmonious, there is no way to release the people of Earth from the destruction in which they have become enmeshed.

Unless the individual is taught how to call forth a Wall of Light Substance around himself to shut off the destructive qualities charged into the very air he breathes through the radiation of the feelings from others, he has no protection; they will come into his world and destroy him.


Decree: Tube of Light


Enfold me now in my Mighty Magic Electronic Tube of Ascended Masters’ Light Substance! Make It so powerful no human creation can pass through! See that It keeps me Invisible, Invincible, and Invulnerable to everything but Thy Almighty Perfection; Infinitely and Divinely Sensitive to Thee and Thy Divine Perfection, “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,” and eternally non-recordant to human creation!