The Voice of your own "I AM Presence" never makes a mistake

Original Words from our
Beloved Messenger Mrs. G. W. Ballard

Remember, your "Presence" can tell you through a gentle, positive feeling in the Heart the Wisdom which the intellect will never comprehend until the Light in the Heart illumines the brain and makes it understand the meaning from within.

But the human intellect will not listen to the Direction given through the feelings. The intellect has usurped the authority over the human for so long that the Wisdom and Truth from the "Mighty I AMPresence" have been ruthlessly ignored.

The feeling within your Heart is the Voice of your own Life Stream telling you every instant what is the right thing to do, and would tell you how to do it if you will make the rest of your feeling subside long enough to know what is acting and let the "Presence"tell you what to do. The Golden Voice of your "Mighty I AM Presence" never makes a mistake; and when you give It half a chance to get through, rest assured, It will act fast enough.

People little dream how easily they convey their feelings in the tone of the voice. This is more important than you know, because the very sound of the individual's voice indicates the condition of the emotional body; and one of the most irritating, disturbing things of our modern world is the incessant chatter and useless conversation which is the outer custom of our people today. The energy released in useless conversation by the average person would purify the planet and pay the debts of the world if it were conserved and qualified with the Perfection of Life to bless all mankind. It is an unfortunate custom of our modern life and one of the greatest ways the energy of the individual is wasted and sent into the atmosphere where the destructive forces concentrate it and again direct it upon humanity to destroy them.

Become acquainted, therefore, with the Golden Voice of your own "I AM Presence." Ask It to speak crystal clear to you, to tell you the Truth about Itself, to illumine all things with the Ascended Masters' full Illumination of Perfection, to reveal the fullness of all that is yours to use now to release Its Mighty Victory and Dominion over every discord of the outer world, and to expand, expand, and again expand Its Mighty Blessings to all.

The Voice of your own "I AM Presence" never makes a mistake. That is how you can always know It from all other voices in the Universe. It will never deceive you; It will never fail you; It will never leave you. It will never give you anything but Joy, Freedom, Victory, and Perfection. Learn to listen to that Voice of "I AM" Wisdom from the Ascended Masters' Realm of Life, and you will never have cause to regret one thing.